Setting Goals For Success!

Football Flying Through GoalpostDid you know… already possess all the skills necessary to be part of the top 3% most successful people!  How do I know this…..well, it is because of the fact that you are so good at setting goals!  Huh?  I know what you are probably thinking right now, “I hate setting goals.  Rich, do you even know me?  I’m terrible at setting goals and my New Year’s Resolutions, well, let’s just say it is already the 31st of the month and hmmm that’s not a pretty picture either.”  Well, let me explain.  First, if you don’t already know it, setting goals are one of the most important steps you can take to achieve success in any endeavor.  In fact, statistics prove that the most successful people attain their success because they are goal setters.  But rather than give you a horde of statistics…..bottom line, if you want to really be successful in life you need to set goals.

BUT WAIT! You are already doing that!  How do I know you are already setting and achieving goals in your life?  Here’s how.  Do you have a calendar on the fridge with notes on important dates for yourself or your kids?  Do you have an appointment book or do you enter appointments into your smart phone?  Have you ever made a “to do” list, planned a dinner party, made a shopping list, or planned a vacation?  Ever jotted; (I’m stretching it a little here), but ever jotted anything down on a scrap of paper in regard to an appointment, meeting etc.? 

Do you smell what I am cooking here?  Yes, you guessed it; you are a goal setter and if you are really following through and accomplishing tasks associated with these lists, you may be pretty good at it!  Go ahead….I’ll wait….Pat yourself on the back and say it.  “Hey, I’m a pretty good goal setter!”  That’s all goals really are – they are to do lists with larger outcomes.

OK, so how do you refine those to do lists into something bigger and more focused?  There are several books you can find on goal setting and even more techniques, but a version of one I found to work pretty well is to set SMARTER goals!  SMARTER is an easy acronym to remember, and will help you funnel your goals into an organized to do list.

The following is a quick example of how you could use a SMARTER goal system to set a goal for renovating your kitchen:

Specific:   “Renovate our Kitchen”

Measurable:  By a certain date – “We will have an estimate for the renovation by _____.” “We will pick out the cabinets by _____.” We will begin the renovation by ______.” Etc.

Achievable:  We will need to save $10,000 to renovate our kitchen which means we will need to save XX number of dollars each month to reach our goal.

Realistic:  Make sure it makes sense.  Are we able to realistically save XX dollars per month or do we need to adjust that figure?

Timely:  “We will have the Kitchen Renovation completed by______.”  You have to set a deadline for completion or you will not be motivated to reach your goal.

Evaluate: Are we making forward progress? Are we staying on track? Look at your goals at least weekly and evaluate your progress. If you are not hitting the mark no worries tomorrow is a new day! Don’t quit just make an adjustment and keep moving forward. 

Reward: The Kitchen renovation is complete! Reward yourself for accomplishing the goal you set. Keep a journal of the goals you have accomplished and celebrate your success –Big or Small. Remember every time you set and achieve a goal you become part of that exclusive most successful top 3% group!

So really, every time you have made a “to do” list, shopped from a list, planned a party, or scheduled an appointment, you were setting and reaching goals.  The transition to SMARTER goals is just a way of taking a larger to do list and organizing it into a manageable format.

Setting goals is not just something you do at the beginning of a New Year – it is something you should be doing throughout the year. One key to achieving your goals is to TAKE ACTION! Want To Start Now?  Then send for our FREE ready to print Goal Planner, just enter your first name and email where you see “Send My Goal Planner” and you will immediately receive an easy to use printable Goal Planner that will get your goals on track!

Do you have a good technique for setting goals? Please let me know about it click on Leave a Comment below.

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