Do You Admit When You Are WRONG?…..Really?

Why don’t we like to admit when we are wrong? I know for me, when I would be wrong or be accused of being wrong, initially it would feel like an attack on my character. I would feel embarrassed and then go into the defend mode to avoid being perceived as incompetent or not knowing something I should have known. Then, I would often try to defend my actions or explain my position from a “me- angle” point of view, in an attempt to justify my position. I have since stopped doing that. Today when I am wrong, I admit it and MOVE ON! I finally came to the realization that nobody is right all the time and if you find someone who is, walk…NO, RUN away from that person because they will only cause you heartache or in my line of work, get someone hurt. Being wrong is being human. And if you can admit being wrong and move on, you are in the company of the most successful people in life.

Kathryn Schulz, author of the book “Being Wrong”, says, “Our love of being right is best understood as our fear of being wrong.” That’s what it was for me, a fear. A fear of what people would think or say about me because I made a mistake. I have since changed my view. Everyone makes mistakes and are sometimes wrong, but only the most successful people admit it. You can click on the video below to watch author Kathryn Schulz’ Ted Talk on being wrong.

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Do you admit when you are wrong? Tell me below.