Cherry Tree Spring BlossomsChange! Do you welcome change or are you afraid of it? Change can sometimes be looked at negatively when it is not under our control or is perceived as forced or mandatory. Today, because of the economy and other factors, you may be dealing with changes at your work place. Changes in management, work conditions, responsibilities, or benefits, are some of the more common ones you may now be encountering.

So how do you deal with it? First, recognize that it is inevitable. The famous Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus, said over two thousand years ago, “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change.” It was true then, and is true today, and frequently it turns out to be a good thing. Second, don’t fight it. Most of the time, it is going to occur whether you welcome it or not, so welcome it and then become informed. There are several resources you can find, either in the way of good books or articles on the internet, to give you some solid direction and advice on dealing with change in a positive way. You can click here for one of them.

Lastly, how you view the change will be the difference between frustration or aggravation and happiness and success. Take a genuine look at the particular change you are facing and write it down on paper. Then make a list of the actual pros and cons associated with that change. Many times you will find that it sounded worse than it actually looks on paper. You often will also find it was the catalyst that was needed to get you moving in a better direction. As I tell you in my “me & site” page, one particular work change that occurred in my life was actually a blessing in disguise and a part of the reason I started to get a better view of life.

So remember, change is inevitable. But, if we acknowledge that fact and look at it with the right attitude, we can more easily make peace with it and find success and happiness through it.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

How do you deal with change? Tell me below