Successful Habits

If you want to maintain the right view in life, you “may” need to develop some new habits. It’s easy to hear something or read about being more positive and think, “Yeah, I really have to try that!” To only forget what you have learned and think to yourself when you are yet again struggling, “This whole attitude thing is a bunch of bologna!” Albert Einstein said it best when he defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Do you ever find yourself doing the same thing over and over again and then wondering why your situation didn’t change? I can give you one example of an area of “insanity” for me that I really disliked in myself. I used to skate into work only minutes before my start time and then be mad at myself for doing it. The problem was obvious and the solution to correct it was simple, but I would do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

How did I change it? I took ACTION and changed it! Now for those of you that arrive 30 minutes early to appointments and still believe you are late, you will think what I am describing sounds crazy, but for those of you who have this habit you know exactly what I am talking about. In order to correct this habit, I had to clearly LOOK at what I was doing and then develop and apply a new habit. I ultimately looked directly at the problem and then defined the solution which boiled down to defining what I like to call my “DEFCON 5 time.” 🙂 My “I have to be on the road by ____in order to be on time to work” or there are red warning lights, buzzers, and Daytona 500 racing endorsements. Sounds Simple, I know…. But oh boy did I ever take a long time to change that habit.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. It sounds straightforward, but you actually have to apply it to see results. If you have areas in your life you want to change, first start small, don’t try to change everything at once. Second, LOOK at the issue, i.e. put it on paper, in a journal, or notebook labeled “My New Habits”. Write the area of concern down and list the steps needed to change it. And lastly, monitor your progress and refer back to your journal regularly until it becomes your NEW habit.

How have you replaced old habits and developed better new habits in your life? Comment below.