How To Find Peace

PeaceHow do we find peace in a world that is often negative? Negative people, situations, or comments are often unavoidable, but if we are prepared, I believe we can still find peace through negative situations. In the Bible in Romans, Paul says: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Even Paul recognized it might be tough, but he also points out as far as it depends on you. And I think you will agree, whether or not you walk away from those situations in peace does depend on you.

So how do you prepare for it? You have to be aware of the fact that you may encounter negative people or situations. Don’t dwell on it or expect it, just be aware of its possibility. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until later in my life that I learned to accept the fact that no matter who you are, someone will not like you. I say unfortunately because I wasted a lot of time and energy either trying to change to please other people or answer my critics. If you are doing the same thing, let me give you some advice – STOP! You could be Mother Theresa, herself, and someone will not like you. You will certainly not please everyone, and if you try, you will never have any peace in your life.

My Dad, who is old school, has a saying in regard to negative people that always cracks me up when he shares it with us. He says: “I’m not married to you, I don’t have to sleep next to you, and we don’t have Christmas dinner together”. Translation :), if a person or situation doesn’t respond to your positive attitude as you might expect, then forget it and move on. You have to be prepared and hold fast to the philosophy that you will not let it ruin your day.

I am fairly new in my faith walk, but I believe you can find some genuine insight on peace in the Bible. Depending on what version you read, Peace is mentioned over 300 times and I have personally gained a better understanding of how to attain it through studying those verses, but you can decide for yourself. One verse I find peace in is Phil 4:7: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. To me this verse means that I have inconceivable peace when God is in control and I let Him sort the negative stuff out.

What do you do to find peace in your life? Tell me below.

2 thoughts on “How To Find Peace

  1. I can relate to what you are saying. I have spent a lot of time in my life trying to please people which does not always turn out well. I have finally realized that the only one I really need to please is God and that will always turn out well. Knowing that gives me peace.

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