How To Be Optimistic

BusinessmanAre you an optimist or a pessimist? It may matter more than you think, regarding how you view your day to day life and situations you can sometimes face. In the Bible it says in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he (man) thinks in his heart, so is he.” Studies confirm this…. we truly are what we most think about. Have you ever watched a disturbing newscast or television show only to become angry or depressed afterward? Have you ever had a conversation at work or with friends where the discussion turned negative and afterward it changed your attitude for the rest of the day? According to an article by the Mayo Clinic (read full article here) being pessimistic, or looking at life’s glass as half empty can have an adverse effect on your health. On the flip side, the benefits of positive thinking include: increased life span, lower rates of depression, greater resistance to the common cold, and reduced risk of death from heart disease, just to name a few.

The good news is, though, you can change your view! If you are inclined to look at life with more of a pessimistic view, there are simple steps you can take to change your outlook on life and become more optimistic. To start, you have to eliminate, as author Zig Ziglar calls it, “stinkin thinkin”, and be careful what you let in (i.e., garbage in equals garbage out). What are you thinking about or saying to yourself throughout the day? It is a given that you are constantly thinking about something during the day, so if it is something negative, change it to something positive. Try to find the good in situations and people. Eliminate negative input during your day. As an example, I used to watch various controversial commentary news shows throughout the day. I stopped doing that because I found it was mostly rehash, commentator biased, and led me to more personalize it. Now I get my news briefly from various sources and I am just as informed, but not unnecessarily involved in taking sides. If there are negative people you have to associate with, limit your contact or anticipate their actions before you encounter them so you can remain positive. Be mindful of what you are reading and watching on TV. If it isn’t positive, change it. If you want to change your view and be more optimistic, try making some of these simple changes by eliminating that “stinkin thinkin” and get healthier in the process!

What tips do you have about how to be more optimistic? Let me know below.