Are you struggling with a problem?

The power of positive thinkingIn his book, “The Power of Positive Thinking”, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says in Chapter 1, “The blows of life, the accumulation of difficulties, and the multiplication of problems tend to sap energy and leave you spent and discouraged.” You are probably thinking right now…. “Tell me again why am I reading this book?” Let me explain. Although Peale points out what, on the surface, may seem obvious, he also gives you a method of getting the real view of your situation. Peale points out that because of this mindset, your true status is often obscured and not justified by the facts. Dr. Peale tells the story of a man he consulted that had such a view, i.e., he thought everything he had built over his lifetime was lost and that he had no hope. Peale suggests that they write down the actual facts surrounding the problem and then afterward, he slides the paper across the table for the man to look at the results. After seeing the results, the man in the story admitted to Peale that he never thought of his problem as Peale described it, and once he changed his viewpoint, he realized he was wrong. Are you struggling right now with a problem? Maybe writing it down and getting a fresh view of the facts could help you too.  

Do you have any suggestions for getting a better view of problems or situations we face? Let me know below.