The Power of Prayer

The power of positive thinkingIn his book, “The Power of Positive Thinking,” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says in Chapter 4 on the power of prayer, “We can send off power by prayer which acts as both a sending and receiving station.” The power of prayer and whether or not it actually works has a long history of controversy. Personally, I believe it does work and have experienced answered prayers, both big and small in my own life. But in saying that, I do not believe as some studies suggest that it necessarily works anonymously or like magic. I do believe prayer is most powerful when there is an actual personal or heart felt feeling towards the person or situation you are praying about. I also think prayer works best when you feel connected or touched so deeply to a person, group, or tragedy that it brings you to your knees in prayer and while in prayer you bring your requests to God. I think that combination – the subject of your prayer, your deepest heartfelt request, and faith in the fact that God hears and will answer your prayer, is when you see miracles occur. You can find many stories both for and against the actual effectiveness of prayer, but again, I believe whether or not it works for an individual is based on how you view it. I look at prayer from what I believe is the best vantage point and according to Highest view; Luke 11:9, “So I say to you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Have you had any prayers answered? How has prayer helped you? Let me know below.