How To Be Positive

The power of positive thinkingAnother book you should add to your collection is “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Although this book was first published in the 1950’s, its ideas and concepts are timeless. This isn’t a “when life gives you lemons…make lemonade” book. It gives you a practical, no nonsense read that can really transform your life and the way you view life’s struggles. Peale offers real solutions, based on a lifetime of research and trial and error, to real life situations and problems. It would be easy to discount a book like this one and believe it is only as simple as “if I think positive, then I will be positive”, but it is much more than that. Peale’s concepts will not only affect your mental view of life, but also your spiritual, emotional, and physical views. If you have been struggling for answers to life’s problems, I believe Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book, “The Power of Positive Thinking”, may be the answer for you.

In the upcoming week I will post some of the concepts in the book that really changed my view.

Are there any other books you would recommend that would help someone lead a more positive life? Let me know about them below.