Walking Benefits….Not Just Physical!

The answer to Feeling better about life may be just outside your front door. Did you know something as simple as taking a walk in the neighborhood or at the mall can provide an immediate release of built up tension? It is a form of exercise that is very low impact, requires very little prep time, and is readily available to most people. According to experts, walking not only improves your health and energy levels, but it also improves your overall mood. It is also one exercise activity that is easy to stick to, doesn’t require any special equipment or exercise clothes, short of some good gym shoes, and offers incredible health benefits. According to an article by Dr. Oz, some of those incredible health benefits include: reducing the effects of aging, lowering your chances of Diabetes, keeping your mind sharp, and boosting your immune system, just to name a few. (Click here for the full article)

Personally, I enjoy walking both with my wife and family and by myself. While walking with my wife, we often get to enjoy some uninterrupted time together with the side benefit of some great exercise. I have also found walking alone offers some great benefits including an ideal way to unwind and concentrate. While walking alone I can be silent, focus, and connect with my surroundings and be in prayer with God. It also offers a great opportunity to apply some positive reinforcement through a phrase or a thought. As with any form of exercise you should check with your Doctor before you start, but most people will almost certainly get the green light and a most likely an added thumbs up from their M.D.. You can find a great article here from the Mayo Clinic on starting a walking exercise routine. So if you want to immediately reduce stress, get in a better mood, and enjoy numerous other health benefits get moving and begin walking your way to a better lifestyle today!

How do you relieve stress in your life? Let me know below.